Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Britain needs green union reps

Jean has been working for a long time on the issue of 'green reps' in Britain's workplaces - and today you can see her opinions at the Guardian's Comment Is Free website. Of course, as is the nature of that particular site, a few of the comments are....interesting....but, importantly, we are continuing to get the word out about the valuable work that our Green MEPs are doing!

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Campaigning in full swing!

Despite the recent silence from this blog, never fear - campaigning to re-elect Jean Lambert MEP is in full swing! In the coming month or two, expect to see lots of ways to get involved - including the ability to donate online to the campaign, to volunteer to help, and to spread the word (both virtually and offline) about London's most progressive MEP.

If you want to do something right now, why not contact your local Green Party and offer your help with distributing the winter edition of London Green News? We need to get thousands of copies through letterboxes in the next few weeks - especially since the front page is dedicated to highlighting Jean's work on the Green New Deal.

Also, if you are on Facebook - why not become one of Jean's supporters, and get your friends to do the same? Just visit Jean's page and join us!